Sustainability and decarbonisation are a process we must work on every day, combining long-term projects and day-to-day practical advancements. At Maganetti...
Strategic choices and operational organisation, ethics and innovation, alternative fuels and our commitment as a BCorp. In a recent interview our CEO Matteo...
Decarbonising transport is a goal we can achieve, but we must take into account all the available alternatives to fossil fuels: electricity, new technologies...
Together with many other Italian B Corps we have signed an appeal to the Italian Government to support the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive...
The construction work was finished some time ago, now we have completed all the technical and bureaucratic steps: from December, 27 our new LNG filling...
The number of Benefit corporations in Italy is constantly growing: as of September 30 they reached a total of 3,371 companies, with over 183,000 employees and...